Frequently Asked Questions


How can I order mushrooms?

Contact us through our contact form with some context around what kinds you'd like and how much and we'll try to reach back to you as soon as possible. In the warmer months we can also be found at the Wayne farmer's market.


Do we sell to consumers?

Yes! During the warmer months, we can be found selling direct to consumer via farmer's markets and in the colder months we deliver to our regulars. We are working on scaling our business to bring mushrooms to more consumers.


How we sell to restaurants?

Get in touch! We can share samples for your chefs to try in some dishes and if you are satisfied we can make regular deliveries right to your business.


Do we sell to produce stores?

If you are a produce store interested in having our products on your shelves, we want to hear from you! Contact us through our form or send us an email at


Where are we located?

We are a budding mushroom farm based in Wayne NJ, which is located in Northern NJ. If you have questions about whether we deliver to your area, contact us.


What makes these mushrooms different from the store variety?

All our strains come from wild mushrooms that are naturally found growing over logs in forests. They are grown with all-natural ingredients in an environmentally controlled indoor farm.

The mushrooms found commonly in stores are variations of Cremini musrhooms, often called "baby bella or "portobello" and are grown over soil rather than wood, making them easier to grow, but less nutritious. On the other hand, wild mushroom strains, while harder to grow than Cremini mushrooms, are superior in flavor and texture.

Additionally, locally sourced produce makes a big difference in freshness and flavor of mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms you may find in stores have been imported from across the country and sometimes over seas, making them weeks old by the time they land on the shelf.


How should I store my mushrooms?

Mushrooms should be refrigerated in a semi-closed container with some air-flow but minimal contact with non-porous surfaces. When in doubt, store in the container our mushrooms come in. You can line the bottom of the container with a paper towel to lengthen shelf life.

The ideal temperature to preserve mushrooms is around 33-34F. Keep the container tucked close to avoid drying, but do not seal in an air-tight container as condensation from moisture loss can age them faster.


How should I cook the mushrooms?

Cut the roots (where the mushrooms grew from the wood shavings) from the mushrooms when you bring them home. Every mushroom differs, but caps of mushrooms are usually the softest and most savory part of the mushroom. The stems in certain varieties can get chewy when cooked, so remove the portions you'd like to avoid. When cutting to smaller pieces, cut along the grain for the best results and avoid cutting them too small as they'll shrink during the cooking process.

There are many ways to pair mushrooms in a meal. For a simple taste test, simply fry them with butter, a clove of garlic , and a dash of salt until tender. This can help you note the innate savory flavor differences between different strains.


Can I eat mushrooms raw?

No. It's not advisable to eat any mushrooms raw, however, Lion's Mane can be eaten raw in small quantities. But do so at your own risk. Thoroughly cook the mushrooms for the best results.


Should I wash the mushrooms?

Our mushrooms are grown over wood shavings in a climate controlled indoor environment, which is kept sterile with regular cleaning. So the mushrooms themselves do not have contact with soil, like many vegetables do, and they don't get sprayed with any chemicals like many fruits do, so they should be safe to cook right from the market.

However, if you want to wash them, give them a quick rinse. Be careful to avoid soaking them in water for too long, as the mushrooms' sponge loves to soak up moisture, and it may result in a soggy, rather than crispy, cooked texture.

Have more questions? Contact us

If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact us.